Friday, 31 May 2013

Macaron Template

Here is the template for my macaron plushie. :)

I would really love to see if you guys make one of these! You can post a picture on my facebook wall (search TammyHallam on facebook) make a video response on youtube, or tag me in a picture on instagram (@therealtammyy) ^__^

Remember that you can resize the template on MS word or any picture editing software, if you want to make your plushie bigger or smaller than the one I made.

Here is how mine turned out:

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Hotdog Template

Here is the template for my hotdog plushie. I now have quite a collection of little fast food items haha! There is a burger, fries, takeout noodles, and now a hotdog! Tutorials for all of these are on my channel. :') Feel free to change uo the template a little, I know that this one isn't perfect, I might actually make an updated template soon, but its still pretty cute. ^_^

I would really love to see if you guys make one of these! You can post a picture on my facebook wall (search TammyHallam on facebook) make a video response on youtube, or tag me in a picture on instagram (@therealtammyy) ^__^

Remember that you can resize the template on MS word or any picture editing software, if you want to make your plushie bigger or smaller than the one I made.

Here is how mine turned out:

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Bento (Part 2)

Here are the templates to do with my 'Bento Box Part 2' tutorial. There is a sushi, a 'hotdog octopus', an onigiri and some vegetables. I also have tutorials on my youtube for two different types of sushi, as well at lots of other foods that you could put inside the bento box! :)

I would really love to see if you guys make one of these! You can post a picture on my facebook wall (search TammyHallam on facebook) make a video response on youtube, or tag me in a picture on instagram (@therealtammyy) ^__^

Remember that you can resize the template on MS word or any picture editing software, if you want to make your plushie bigger or smaller than the one I made.

Here is how mine turned out: